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Common Tree Diseases and Pests and How to Prevent Them


As a homeowner in Fort Collins, you take pride in your property and want to ensure that your trees are healthy and beautiful. However, tree diseases and pests can threaten the health of your trees, making them unsightly and potentially hazardous. In this article, we'll discuss some of the most common tree diseases and pests in Fort Collins and how to prevent them with the help of Fort Collins Tree Service.

Dutch Elm Disease:

Dutch Elm Disease is caused by a fungus that is spread by elm bark beetles. Infected trees may wilt and die within a few weeks. To prevent this disease, it's important to have your trees regularly inspected by a certified arborist and to remove infected trees promptly.

Emerald Ash Borer:

Emerald Ash Borer is a small beetle that feeds on ash trees, causing them to become brittle and eventually die. Infected trees may have Tree Thinning canopies, D-shaped exit holes, and vertical cracks in the bark. To prevent this pest, consider using insecticide treatments and having your trees inspected regularly.

Pine Beetle:

Pine Beetles are small insects that can cause extensive damage to pine trees. Infected trees may have yellowing needles, sap on the bark, and small holes from beetles entering the tree. To prevent this pest, it's important to remove infected trees and keep nearby trees healthy through regular watering and fertilization.

Apple Scab:

Apple Scab is a fungal disease that can affect apple trees, causing brown spots on the leaves and fruit. To prevent this disease, keep your apple trees well-watered and consider using fungicides during wet periods.

Black Knot:

Black Knot is a fungal disease that affects cherry and plum trees, causing swollen areas on the branches and trunk. Infected trees may have stunted growth and reduced fruit production. To prevent this disease, prune infected branches and use fungicides as directed.

Fort Collins Tree Service can help you prevent and manage tree diseases and pests through regular inspections, treatments, and maintenance. Our certified arborists have the expertise and knowledge to keep your trees healthy and beautiful for years to come.

Preventive Measures for Keeping Trees Healthy and Happy

Fort Collins Tree Service suggests implementing preventive measures for keeping trees healthy and happy. Some of these include regular pruning, mulching, and watering as necessary. Pruning allows tree branches to grow away from buildings, power lines, or other possible obstructions which can cause future safety hazards. Mulching provides essential macro- and micronutrients to the soil and helps retain moisture levels in the summer months - which is crucial for tree health. Lastly, Fort Collins Tree Service recommends a seasonal deep-watering method; especially important during this time of the year when extended periods of hot weather leave trees with minimal water resources. Taking preventative steps like these is key in ensuring a long lifespan for any tree!

The Benefits of Professional Tree Care Services

Fort Collins Tree Care Services offers numerous benefits for both commercial and residential property owners. For those with large, mature trees, services range from tree trimming and pruning to removing dead or dying branches and maintaining the overall health of the foliage. This can not only improve the aesthetic of your landscape but also potentially extend the lifespan of your trees by ensuring they are correctly pruned or that dangerous branches are removed before they cause a hazard. Fort Collins Tree Service can also improve visibility around your home or business by selectively removing certain branches obstructing the view. Taking advantage of these professional tree care services will give you peace of mind in knowing that your property is safe, beautiful, and well-maintained.

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